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50声测管价格 长沙哪里有声测管现货厂家
产品: 浏览次数:3150声测管价格 长沙哪里有声测管现货厂家 
品牌: 汇联声测管
产品: 声测管
规格: 齐全
长度: 定尺
单价: 面议
最小起订量: 1 米
供货总量: 100000 米
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2022-06-12 15:53

50声测管价格 长沙哪里有声测管现货厂家,公司常年备有大量现货,全国销售,型号全,按米或按重量过磅销售,价格透明现货价格低,欢迎新老客户前来考察。声测管规格型号齐全: 50*0.9 50*1.0 50*1.1 50*1.2 50*1.4 50*1.5 螺旋式(法兰式)声测管 57*2.0 57*2.5 57*3.0 57*3.5焊接结束 ,把上面的声测管用手托起刺进下面声测管的承口端,用螺旋紧固即可,然后下放钢筋笼每到两米时需用铁丝把螺旋式声测管绑扎在钢筋笼主筋上,第二节钢筋笼下放完把螺旋式声测管内加满清水。等上节钢筋笼下放完后,声测管必定把管内加满清水,后用盖盖好。

The company has a large amount of stock all year round. It sells all models nationwide. It is sold by meter or weight. The price is transparent and the spot price is low. New and old customers are welcome to visit. The specifications and models of the acoustic pipe are complete: 50*0.9 50*1.0 50*1.1 50*1.2 50*1.4 50*1.5 screw type (flange type) acoustic pipe 57*2.0 57*2.5 57*3.0 57*3.5 after welding, lift the upper acoustic pipe by hand and stab it into the socket end of the lower acoustic pipe, tighten it with screws, and then tie the screw type acoustic pipe to the main reinforcement of the reinforcement cage every two meters, After the second section of reinforcement cage is lowered, fill the spiral acoustic pipe with clean water. After the last reinforcement cage is lowered, the acoustic pipe must be filled with clean water, and then covered with a cover.


特 点: 


8、操作性能:省时、省力、省费用,一次性安装成功。 9、经济性:无短管、材头浪费,总费用更低。

The company has a large amount of stock all year round. It sells all models nationwide. It is sold by meter or weight. The price is transparent and the spot price is low. New and old customers are welcome to visit. The specifications and models of the acoustic pipe are complete: 50*0.9 50*1.0 50*1.1 50*1.2 50*1.4 50*1.5 screw type (flange type) acoustic pipe 57*2.0 57*2.5 57*3.0 57*3.5 after welding, lift the upper acoustic pipe by hand and stab it into the socket end of the lower acoustic pipe, tighten it with screws, and then tie the screw type acoustic pipe to the main reinforcement of the reinforcement cage every two meters, After the second section of reinforcement cage is lowered, fill the spiral acoustic pipe with clean water. After the last reinforcement cage is lowered, the acoustic pipe must be filled with clean water, and then covered with a cover. 
